Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Chernoff Faces

 The picture above is my result of the activity we did in class called "Chernoff Faces". For each part of your head, there were three stipulations. For example, for the head shape itself, you had to pick one (round, oval, or oblong) based on where you lived (Upper Michigan, Lower Michigan, or other). Other questions included major/minor, favorite foods, favorite music, and what kind of pet you want. My result was oval head (U.P), oval eyes (science/math major), oval pupils (my favorite sport is baseball), oval nose (I like rabbits as pets), circle mouth (Italian food is my favorite), and circle ears (I enjoy country music). Eventually, everyone ended up with varying faces due to different likes and dislikes. Then we proceeded to classify the classroom by head shape. Each person of the same shape head went to separate corners of the room. There was about an even number of people in each group. But then, we continued to break down the groups by eye shape, nose shape, ear shape, etc. within groups, until each group was divided more and more. The point of this exercise was to show that with more conditions of classification, the harder it is to group many things together. The more conditions, the fewer people in each group. It also showed that we could classify in any way. After starting the entire thing over again, we made head shape signify major instead of where you live, so many peoples faces changed. We can look at classifying life in many ways as well.


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